The DuPont Sentry Glass Plus (SGP) is composed of a tough plastic interlayer composite that is laminated between two layers of tempered glass. It extends the performance of laminated glass beyond current technologies as the interlayer offers five times the tear strength and 100 times the rigidity of the more conventional PVB interlayer.
SGP(SentryGlas Plus) is an ion-polymer of ethylene and methyl acid ester. It offers more advantages in using SGP as an interlayer material
SGP offers five times the tear strength and 100 times the rigidity of conventional PVB interlayer
Better durability/long life expectancy at elevated temperatures
Excellent weather and edge stability
What makes the SGP interlayer so special?
A. Greater security from threats such as severe weather
B. Can withstand bomb blast performance requirements
C. Greater durability in elevated temperatures
D. Fragment retention
E. Thinner and lighter than PVB